Solo trip up to KnArrow Haus for me on Saturday. Katie's in Utah helping with the birth of our newest grandchild.
Almost 2 ft of snow on the roof of Schneewagen. But the weather was near 30 degrees and the sun peaked out a few times.
I spent way too much time looking for tools downstairs. (When the drywall was being installed, we had to pile all the tools and supplies together in the basement and cover it all with plastic so it wouldn't get orange peel textured.)
Four rods coming out of the wall are all I have to show for about 4 hours elapsed time. But the rods are level measured from the wall out AND they are all level with each other across the wall.
Side-by-side got down to a quarter tank of gas. Bryan and Ryker came up mid-afternoon with two full 5 gallon fuel cans. Problem solved.
Welcome, Ezra!
Almost 2 ft of snow on the roof of Schneewagen. But the weather was near 30 degrees and the sun peaked out a few times.
Schneewagen powered out of its hole with no problem.
The snow is piled up to the bottom of the front porch.
I forgot to put my jacket in the car, but luckily it wasn't too cold out.
And I stayed warm digging out Schneewagen.
That mountain of snow to the left is where the roof sheds the snow.
Snow is piled up to the bottom of the back deck.
I spent way too much time looking for tools downstairs. (When the drywall was being installed, we had to pile all the tools and supplies together in the basement and cover it all with plastic so it wouldn't get orange peel textured.)
Four rods coming out of the wall are all I have to show for about 4 hours elapsed time. But the rods are level measured from the wall out AND they are all level with each other across the wall.
Side-by-side got down to a quarter tank of gas. Bryan and Ryker came up mid-afternoon with two full 5 gallon fuel cans. Problem solved.
Oh, the chimney is crooked... (again!)