26 September 2020

4 Appliances Enter. 1 Appliance Stays.

A.L. arrived with 4 appliances about 4 pm today. The dryer wouldn't even power on. The washing machine's drain hose leaked ALL OVER the utility room floor. When they were installing the oven/range the cracked the glass top. Only the refrigerator was successfully installed and running. They took the other 3 appliances back. Frustrating.

The refrigerator was succesfully installed. 

The installers cracked the glass top on the range.
The washer and dryer were D.O.A.

I installed all the outlets installed in the basement kitchenette; had to troubleshoot and found that a neutral hadn't gotten tied in -- quickly rectified. Installed the mini-fridge in the cabinet. At leasy *my* appliance install went ok.

The basement kitchenette.
(The green tape marks the studs for upcoming floating shelves.)

Spent a goodly portion of the day with my son-in-law, Colin, getting the stair and landing railing in place and ready for stainless steel cable. 

Call installing the bottom stair railing post.

Need one more post for the stairway. Complete success with the main floor railing. And installed the railing on the top floor landing (but forgot to take a picture.)

Main floor railing in place, now waiting for stainless steel cabling.

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